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The Women in the Middle Podcast series interview about my transition to jewelry

Updated: Apr 25, 2022

I recently had the opportunity to reflect on my mid-fifties career change and tell my story on a podcast series called "Woman in the Middle." Suzy Rozenstein is a life coach and the podcast's creator.

I met Suzy a few years ago at a craft show in Rhode Island. She acquired a piece from my Water collection and kept my business card. She periodically visits my website (as I encourage you all to do!) and discovered from a recent blog post that my work as a jewelry designer is the result of a mid-life career change so she invited me to tell my story to her audience. So fun!

While Suzy's insightful questions helped me tell my story, it was her keen insight and focus on key words and concepts that enabled her to string together the chain of events that led to a natural change. For me, it was a wonderful opportunity to reflect very personally about my own unique path and maybe inspire others who are struggling to figure out their next moves. You can hear me tell my story on her podcast here.

For any woman who is thinking about her life and career "in the middle," I highly recommend Suzy's podcast series. She's an intuitive and experienced coach and has amassed a library of very helpful and inspiring podcast topics and interviews. This crazy year has certainly given us all a lot to think about—you might even become inspired and decide it's time to focus on a life change for yourself!

As challenging as 2020 has been, it is thankfully coming to a close and I'm sure we all find ourselves reflecting a bit. While the pandemic has interrupted our lives this year, I'm thankful I had a few years prior to get Nancy Marland Jewelry off the ground and I am so grateful to so many of you for your part in it as well.

Best wishes for good health, joyful holidays and a more hopeful 2021!



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